Apakah kamu alhi di sosmed spesialis dan ingin join avinci sebagai Social Media Strategist Avinci?
- Suka ngonten, otak atik sosmed dan kerja sambil jalan jalan?
- Jago copywriting, story telling dan edit konten
- Kreative, inovatif, dan komunikatif
- Baik dalam teknik pengambilan video/gambar
- Sering FYP dan viral (bukan di akun gosip)
- Gaul dan uptodate
- Serius tapi fun

As professional wedding planners, we will personally guide you through the wedding planning process with our tried and true method, which includes detailed questionnaires, personalized mood boards, online planning platforms, a personalized planning timeline, and lots of communication along the way. Our goal is to make this process 100% personalized, enjoyable and ‘flawless!’
send your resume to : hrd@avinciplanner.com | max : 25 mei 2022 | Social Media Strategist Avinci
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